March 23

March is colorectal cancer awareness month, let’s use this time to have all our cancer screenings up to date. Unfortunately, colorectal cancer is often silent - no pain, no clear indicators, that is why screening is very important, and I suggest a FIT (Fecal Immunoassay Test) it is one test you can do frequently at low cost to you. Don’t use it as a substitute for medical advice (of course) or the American Cancer Society recommendations, but the home tests can be an additional tool. I’ve included a link to buy it through Amazon if you so desire. The FIT was my initial test that determined there was a problem and directed my doctor to schedule me for a colonoscopy, if it wasn’t for the FIT no telling how long I would have went without knowing that I had a mass. It’s been 5 years since my diagnosis and treatment, I feel blessed and very lucky each day. Get your test on! This month I thought it a good time to share the dirty dozen and clean 15. Not familiar with these amazing lists?? We all are told we should eat organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible. But as we all know, organic is great but can also be expensive. Although, I may add that our health should be worth the cost. If you want to be selective with the organics, then the dirty dozen can help with your organic choices. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) uses information from the USDA data and compiles a list of fruits and vegetables that tend to be the most contaminated by pesticides, the list of those veggies is called the dirty dozen. The USDA samples washed fruit and vegetables, they cut it open and test for residues of pesticides.

The following list is the 12 most affected: 2023 Dirty Dozen list: Strawberries Spinach Kale, collard, and mustard greens Nectarines Apples Grapes Bell and hot peppers Cherries Peaches Pears Celery Tomatoes

If you choose to buy organic with these fruits and vegetables, you are making a educated choice. Many of these items can be purchased at farmers markets, or grown in your own backyard. But if you buy from the grocery store - you are now armed with good advice on where to spend your money.

The clean 15 is produce that has the best report card for pesticide residues. Avocados and sweet corn have the cleanest record - tex-mex here I come!! (check out the recipe below)

2023 Clean 15 list: Avocados Sweet corn Pineapple Onions Papaya Sweet Peas Asparagus Honey Dew melon Kiwi Cabbage Mushrooms Cantaloupes Mangoes Watermelon Sweet Potatoes

Obviously this list does not include every vegetable and fruit, but hopefully it will help guide you on which vegetables you choose to purchase organically - OR not. Use it or not - this is just some ideas for you.

Bex Iten