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beautiful food that loves you back

Life Well Lived


Your Keys to Total Health

Health & Wellness

Preventative Health


Life is perfect with an avocado

Life is perfect with an avocado

Beautiful food that loves you back

Your health is your ticket to the good life. Nothing else is as important. It is challenging to start a new lifestyle, especially when your friends, family, or co-workers don’t share your desire for the best health. My purpose is to give you the tools to go forward in your new healthy life, surrounded by a like-minded community.

Eating healthy is one step. The other part is mentally preparing yourself for the obstacles you will encounter. Our life is centered around food - and I love that. We gather with friends and family, celebrate life events, we casually socialize - all with a centerpiece of food. Figuring out that to love your health, is to enjoy life around beautiful, healthy food - and share this with the ones that matter the most to you. You have but ONE body. How do you want to treat it?

What is a whole food plant-based diet? Eat any and all foods that are grown, picked, cultivated from the ground. All fruits and vegetables. No animal products. No red meat, white meat, no fish or mussels, no dairy products of animals. Stay away from processed foods. If it was made with a plant - eat it, if made IN a plant - stay away!


Load up on these

  • Fruits (bananas, blueberries, oranges, strawberries, apples, etc.)

  • Vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, kale, lettuce, etc.)

  • Tubers & starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn, green peas, winter squash)

  • Whole grains (barley, millet, oats, quinoa, wheat berries, brown rice)

  • Legumes (black beans, chickpeas, lentils, pinto beans)

Enjoy in moderation

  • Whole nuts & seeds, nut/seed butters (walnuts, pumpkin seeds, tahini, almond butter)

  • Tofu & tempeh

  • Whole-grain flours & breads (try Ezekial bread, whole grain and sprouted)

  • Plant-based milks (rice, soy, oat, almond, cashew, hemp milks)


  • Meat, poultry & seafood

  • Eggs

  • Dairy products

  • Refined sweeteners

  • Oils

  • Bleached flours, white bread & white pasta

  • White rice

Thank you Forks Over Knives for their content.

How do you get started? Just start. Make the decision and just make it happen.


What’s your BEAST?

My BEAST is cancer. Your BEAST could be hypertension, diabetes, obesity, or whatever causes you burden.

If you want to avoid the BEAST, then start now, today, choose to put in your body only the best organic non-GMO fruits and veggies, whole grains, nuts and seeds. A 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric daily - add it to you foods, or smoothies. Eat walnuts a couple of times a week. Soy is excellent, it is loaded with good nutrients. Cruciferous vegetables are AMAZING as they heal and protect you. Eat green leafy vegetables everyday. The greener the leaf the better! Also, choose the most colorful veggies to get the biggest nutrient benefits. I love Dr. Gregor’s daily dozen, there is so much nutritious information in that single helpful guide - bravo!

There are many helpful websites with evidence-based data on why eating a whole food plant-based diet will maximize health benefits. Check them out:

To get you started, watch health based documentaries:

Forks over Knives

What the Health!

Plant Pure

Eating You Alive

Game Changers

These are a few of the documentaries I would highly recommend to get you started on your journey. The whole food plant-based diet (WFPBD), is really a lifestyle change. These documentaries have done a great job including real life stories with medical professionals explaining the Why.

WFPBD is different than vegan diets, although often referred to as the same. Motivation for adopting a vegan diet and lifestyle is prompted by animal rights issues and the ethical treatment of animals. The WFPBD is human health focused, the fact no animals are harmed is a bonus!

I can help you get started and cheer you on in your journey, if you want help - give me a call. I’m here for you.



About Me

I’m Bex

I am a Registered Nurse, and certified in plant-based nutrition and Lifestyle medicine.. I have always been focused on obtaining optimal health being vegetarian for more than 20 years.

I have always known the benefits of a plant-based diet, but only when I submitted to this plan 100% of the time, did I finally feel the rewards.

It doesn’t stop with diet only - we need to remember movement, and our spiritual health, social wellness

- daily meditation.

I want to help you with this.

I am certified in Plant-based nutrition from the T.Colin Campbell Center for Nutritional Services and eCornell University.

a diplomat for the american college of lifestyle medicine

certified case manager

I am living this life in your community. I know what’s out there - Let me help you make the change.

Live your best life